Archiv für März 2013

Mobilize – International Activism Conference Berlin 22.3

International Workshop Conference – Human Rights. Participation. Activism. Internet. Women in Exile will be at the panel discussions at 5pm (Feminists Alliances across borders)

Refugees Revolution Demo – 23.03.2013 Oranienplatz at 2pm

WIE will be join Refugees and Supporters to demonstrate against the discriminatory laws governing the refugees and to mark one year Refugees Protest March at Oranienplatz on 23.03.2013 at 2pm

Review on the 08.03.13 Demo

We thank all who supported us in all means and made the 08.03.13 „No Lager for Women and Children“!!! Abolish all Lagers!!! Demonstration a success.

Examples of big support:
Pressemitteilung von GLADT und LesMigraS zum Internationalen Frauen*tag 08. März 2013
Primadonna Potsdam Pressemitteilung Unterstützung Demonstration 8.März 2013

We still need support in translations in English, German, Farsi and Arabich and also financial support.
Our Bank, Kontonr: 724 115 2000
BLZ: 100 900 00
Berliner Volksbank

A small press review
Berliner Morgenpost 8.03.13 Weltfrauentag /Flüchtlingsfrauen demonstrieren vor Ministerium

Pressemitteilung Nolager4women
