Screen Printing Mentors/Mentees Workshop

The participants of the Womentoring programme had an interesting workshop at the Altefeuer Wache in Berlin on the weekend of 24-25 May. The aim of the workshop was to learn the first steps of screen printing, but it ended with some of the mentees showing off their artistic skills.

The most interesting thing about the drawings below is that two of them were made by two people with special needs. On the one hand, it was amazing to see how they came up with beautiful drawings without models. On the other hand, as mentors we had a lot of respect for them, that they are able to create such beautiful works of art, because we know what they are going through in their private lives.

Both women are trying to find accommodation in Berlin and it is proving very difficult, even though they both have residence status. One of them, who is visually impaired, and her family have been living in a camp in Berlin for almost three years.

The other woman from Afghastani, whose health has deteriorated over the years, uses a rollator to get around. She moved from a camp in Brandenburg because of hostility and bullying from some of the residents, especially the men from her community in the camp. She was shamed, which traumatised her emotionally and worsened her physical health.

The rest of us made lots of screen prints and tried to interpret them in a discussion. This brought out another talent of the participants. The screen printed copies were drawn or printed with a variety of different motifs.

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