On the 03.01.2020 at 10 a.m. in Nuremberg District Court the “Paper-Aircraft Process” will continue. We expect the Nuremberg District Court to give a favourable judgement. “This Process is another attempt to bring our supporter to court and to criminalize our movement”, says Elizabeth Ngari. “They try to distract our focus away from our fights against discriminative refugee laws.”
This process came about after, our rally on the 27.07.2018 in front of BAMF Nürnberg was part of the “Women* Breaking Borders Bus Tour”. It was a strong, creative and proud rally. Women* & children came from a Ankerzentrum in the area and from other refugee camps. One after the other came to the microphone and talked about traumas, fears and spoke up against sexual and physical violence. But since 2016 the demands of Women in Exile to this BAMF were ignored, this time we send them on the air way: with paper planes.
Our Ally, in her role as rally leader, did not forbid us and our children to direct political demands by paper plane to the BAMF. This is why she is accused of “violation of Bavarian assembly law” (see also https://www.women-in-exile.net/gerichtsprozess-in-nuernberg-aufgrund-unserer-papierflugzeuge-ans-bamf-was-sind-die-wirklichen-verbrechen/#more-5274). “Instead of investigating the mentioned human rights violations against refugees, the prosecutor is focusing on paper planes of refugee women* and children”, says Elizabeth Ngari. “But repression will not make us tired or loose our focus. Women in Exile and Friends will not stop to fight for our refugee women* rights. Stop criminalizing us, our friends and supporters! We are demanding human basic rights like No lager for women* and children; Abolish all lagers; Stop deportations and open borders!”
The process on the 03.01.2020 starts at 10 a.m. in session hall 126 of the Nuremberg district court at Fürther Straße 110. To show solidarity with the accused, we call to accompany them to the court room.
Pressekontakt Women in Exile:info@women-in-exile.net