The date of the process was can cancelled for unknown reasons
Nevertheless there will be a gathering tomorrow in Nürnberg for realizing a solidarity action with creative painting and doing handcrafts, because there are reasons enough!
In times where the laws governing refugees become more and more restrictive and the rising repression against left and other progressive movements and attempts of intimidation against persons who register demonstrations and ralleys, we won’t keep quiet!
We gather tomorrow, Friday 7.05.19 at 8 am in front of the municipal court (Amtsgericht) Nürnberg and demonstrate in a creative way for FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY, our basic right.
Flight is not a crime!
For the acknowledgment and compliance of the Basic Law of Germany!

This Friday, 17.05.2019 one of our Friends and supporters from Nürnberg has a trial because last year on 27.7.2018 during our “Women* Breaking Borders Bus Tour 2018” she, in her role as person who registered the rally in front of BAMF, didn’t hinder us to send our political demands via paper airplanes over the fence to the court of the BAMF headquarter (see also on our webblog: PM 8. März Bündnis Nürnberg).
We ask ourselves: what are the real crimes? Why will this be debated in the court but not the systematically violations of basic and human rights by which refugees are affected in Germany?
We, Women in Exile & Friends demand from politician, civil and judicial bodies to advocate for “Amnesty” now and for everybody who have “no or shaky status” on the 70th Anniversary of “German Basic Laws” and prosecute basic and human rights violations instead of criminalising human rights.
Our first visit at the BAMF office in Nürnberg we had on 30.7.2016, during our “Refugee Women Bus Tour” (see: https://www.women-in-exile.net/en/bustour-2016/) We together with supporters held a demonstration in front of BAMF. After reading our speech and demands we handed out, the written document to one of the representative of the BAMF, who had come out to talk and listen to us. Our demands which he promised to pass to the others for considerations were:
– No Lager for Women and Children. Abolish all Lagers;
-to acknowledgment gender specific issues as reasons for granting refugee status;
-to stop legitimizing deportations and new discriminative laws in the name of women*;
-rights of German courses and working permission for all.
We hoped, we would get a least an acknowledgement of these demands or a positive signal from the relaxing of the laws. On the contrary, the laws started getting stricter; containers and tents accommodation were replaced by “AnKER” centres and the now proposed “Geordnete-Rückkehr-Gesetz”, which is supposed to criminalise refugees and their supporter..
Therefore we returned in the last year on the 27.7.2018 during our “Women Breaking Borders Bus Tour 2018” to the BAMF headquarters where we held another rally. Part of the participants of this rally were women from the “AnKER” lagers and one after the other took to the microphone deploying about their traumas, fears and against sexual and physical violence.
In view of the ignorance concerning our demands from 2016 we tried it this time in another way: through the air via paper planes, we refugee women and children sent our demands to the BAMF. In this context the person who registered the rally is now having a court case.
Elizabeth Ngari, activist from Women in Exile is shocked and outraged: “ Obviously our paper planes arrived otherwise there wouldn‘t be a trial now. But we wonder why the court is debating on a „violation against the Assembly Act“ and not on the violations of basic and human rights which we refugees have to face every day.”
According to the German Basic Law, it obliges the state to respect and protect the dignity of all human beings (Art.1 ) It grants personal freedom for all (Art.2) and declares the equality of all persons before the law (Art.3). Therefore, we are taking the 70th anniversary of its entry into force as an opportunity to demand amnesty for a right to stay for all illegalized and Persons with “Duldung” as a step towards a policy that finally grants the basic rights for all who are entitled to attain them.
Flight is not a crime!
For the acknowledgment and compliance of the Basic Law of Germany!
Right to come, right to go,
right to stay!
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