In summer 2021, many refugees fled across the eastern border into the European Union to Lithuania or Poland. In July 2021, the Lithuanian parliament passed a law authorising the six-month detention of refugees after entry. In December 2021, this detention period was extended to 12 months. In Lithuania, mainly African refugees have been imprisoned in the camps in Mavini, Medininkai, Linkmenys and Kybartai. They are victims of brutal state racism. Our sisters report that they were locked up in Mavini, handcuffed, beaten and tortured as if they had committed a crime. We appeal to human rights organisations, the Lithuanian embassy, social media and the international public to support us in these demands: Abolish this law! Support the release of all refugees from Lithuania’s camps! Stop the war against refugees! We want peace and justice! Flight is not a crime! Let our sisters go!
Flight is not a crime! Let our sisters go! Demo against the detention of refugees in Lithuania on 24 March, 15:00, in front of the Lithuanian Embassy at Charitéstraße 9, 10117 Berlin