Report From our visit with Women from Cecosesola

They also offer funeral services which were founded in 1967 as their first big project. It was created to give dignity to the poor. The cooperative also operates its coffin production. Members pay small contributions here every month.

What is important to note is that the reason the co-op started was to provide services to the poor and was born out of necessity. The cooperative offers its services to 140,000 families in the cities, their main objective is to be in solidarity with the Poor. They also invite the community to be part of their services.

As for the day-to-day running of Cecosesola, they have a lot of plenary meetings (more than 3000) per year. This is done to ensure that there is open communication and that everyone is kept abreast of what new organisational decisions have been made. Important to note is; that one doesn’t have to take part in all meetings. They also have smaller groups for every service they provide e.g. Health care, food distribution etc. The work also rotates but also depends on one’s abilities and interests e.g Administrative work, noting that there is no hierarchy.

The members of Cecosesola do not live together but derive their livelihood from the activities done by the cooperative. All the money collected from the different Services provided is divided equally among all members working for the cooperative as a sort of Salary/income every week. In their working together, they try to educate themselves working together. This also leads to all feelings of and carrying that sense of responsibility.

At the end of our conversation, we found their work very encouraging and also a challenge for us W.I.E&F .We have been in existence for 20 years, and we look forward to also celebrating our 50th Anniversary. With the formal part out of the way, we were able to share a meal.

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