Women in Exile recieves price from BUTTERFLY FUND

We are the lucky recipient of this year’s prize from the Butterfly Fund of the Trostfrauen AG which is part of the Korea Verband in Berlin. The money was presented to us by Ms Won OK –GIL. Ms Won –Gil is the last survivor of the “Trostfrauen” (“Comfort Women”) and one of the founders of the Butterfly Fund.

The Fund supports female victims of sexual violence in armed conflicts internationally. After World War II, the Comfort Women and other Japanese military sexual slavery victims promised to donate their reparations from the Japanese government to other women in the entire world who suffer wartime sexual violence pains and agony. Their wish is that all the women in agony, including the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery would be able to fly from discrimination, repression and violence.

The prize was granted to us as a way of recognition of our work through which we empower other refugee women. We have made the experience that refugee women are doubly discriminated against not only by the racist laws and discriminative refugee laws in general but also as women.

We will continue with our campaign of “NO LAGER FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN ABOLISH ALL LAGERS” because the living conditions in these crowded spaces and sharing of the facilities such as toilets, bathrooms and kitchen are source of conflicts as well as healthy hazards, sexual and physical violence. Women often do not open up about these issues because they are afraid of deportation and to come into trouble with (foreigners’) administrations if they claim their rights as women.

Last year, we had the chance to meet some people from Kora Verband as they visited our office in Potsdam. We are grateful of the appreciation of our work and hope to continue the cooperation.

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