From the 14.07 – 17.07, we took our book reading sessions to Rostock and Ulenkrug in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. We managed to visit the lager in Jördenstorf and the visit was very emotional because we met some women* whom we had met last year during our bus tour. It was very sad on the other side to find out that they are still living in the lager with no perspectives.
We met our sister group Women in Exile Rostock who accomapanied us to the book readings and introduced us to many refugee women* who are all interested in joining our international conference marking “20 years of Women in Exile”.
It was a very encouraging visit because the refugee women* and their supporters asked for a slot in the conference to discuss about the life`s of “women* living in war torn countries” and they willl also talk on the events coming up to mark 30 years of the Pogrom in Rostock. This room will be facililated by refugee women* from Afghanistani and Ukraine, including supporting groups from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.