Deadly asylum Lager system

It is shocking to hear about the suicidal of a young mother and her child in a Lager in Eckolstädt, a village close to Jena in the state Thüringen. We feel sad and our sincere condolences goes to the husband, father, the whole family, eritrean community at large.

Reading about this case also makes us angry. For us it is clear that it isn’t an individual case but again the guilt of the lager and asylum system and the treatment of refugees in this country.

Before the woman and her family lived in a lager in Apolda, another city in Thüringen where they had good contact with the eritean community.
In the Lager they lived in fear of deportation as police came often to deport people to Italy.
They were looking for their own flat and after some time it is said they got a flat but in another lager in Eckolstädt. Here we wonder why they transfer from one lager to another and call it flat???

As it was in another city, which is not very far (10km) but not well connected to public transport they didn’t want to move there. Police (!) came to transfer them which is not normal. Why do you need police for a transfer???
By this forced step, the family was isolated and the situation of the woman who was already traumatized worsened. Former suicide attempts were ignored by the social workers there and we are shocked: Why didn’t they organize psychological treatment and help her but instead doing everything to add more problems ???
And why the governemt is speaking and presenting themselves as taking care of vulnerable groups (e.g. traumatized people) in the asylum procedure? This discurse is a whole farce.

At the moment there is running a complaint against unknown because of non-assistance of a person in danger.
Same as Flüchtlingsrat Thüringen we demand research and justice about this case.

Also, we demand proper access to health care for refugees, an accommodation with dignity and freedom of choice on where they want to live.

No lager for women and children!
Abolish all lagers!

A big wish of the husband and father is to send the corpses of mother and child to Eritrea to rest with the family. Costs for this is around 8000€. So for realizing this wish an account for donations was established:
Konto Förderkreis Integration Apolda e.v.
Subject -Überführung Eritrea
DE 09 8205 1000 0535 0025 99

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