Thank you for your solidarity and support!!!

Dear Melanie, Julia, Katharina and all other unknown donors,

We wanted to thank you for your solidarity and for donating to Women in
Exile and Friends.

Donations are important for us since they can make us sustainable, in
order to carry out our political work in the way we think is best to
achieve the goals of refugee women.

We would be very happy if you could send us your (Mail-) Adresses so we yould thank you personally and also send you the latest Newsletter.

We would be glad if you also could think of becoming a longterm donor
of Women in Exile and Friends. If we are able to become more independent
economically we can also guarantee our work in the long-term,
as the fight for the rights of refugee women has still a long way to go.

To become long-term donor you can do a regular bank transfer to our
account under the subject „Long-term donor“ and please let us know if
you need a donation certificate.

Yours sincerely,
Women in Exile & Friends Team

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