Stop Deportation! Demonstration vor der tunesischen Botschaft

The demonstration outside the Tunisian Embassy on the 31.03.17 was attended by about 100 people. Most of them came from Leipzig and the organizers said most people were afraid to come because the Embassy passed the word that the demo was to support a political party. With this lie and the fact that about 1500 refugees are to be deported, people were afraid to go near the Embassy.

The demand to the Embassy was to stop issuing travel documents to the Tunisian for deportation purposes.

Women from “Women in Exile” took part in the demo and demanded in their speech to the Tunisian Ambassador, to stop collaborating with European countries in their policy of deportation by giving documents to facilitate deportation of their nationals.

After speeches from different people including Women in Exile the ambassador came out and invited Latifa one of the organisers an other person to his office. This meeting took almost an hour but all what the ambassador told them is that he will try to help to reduce the deportations, but the Tunisians will have to improve their image since they are criminals and if they do not want to be deported they should start working.

Those of us who were outside after getting this message were very angry that an ambassador who is supposed to be defending his country nationals in a foreign country spoke like that. He assured that he is doing everything in his power to help Tunesians in Germany, regardless of their status. Bus still, he used the generalizing images of the whole community of the Tunisian asylum seekers being criminals. Our demonstration was attended by women and children who for one reason or another flew from their countries.

It is common knowledge that Maghreb countries are very essential to the European countries if refugee have to be stopped from entering Europe. Their cooperation is very important, if the racist treaties such as Valetta, Dublin or the Frontex have to be effective. For this reason the Ambassador’s words were not a surprise as it was an echo of what we hear all the times from authorities here.

Our message to the Ambassador is that refugees have enough traumas lived during their flight and after, he should stop making refugees a negotiating chip in his deals with the European governments.

Pictures: Umbruch Bildarchiv

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