Now online donation!

Donations aswell as a sustaining membership are the basis which help us carrying out our work in a long-term and sustainable manner.

Every year Women in Exile is supporting refugee women to develop individual and collective perspectives to fight for their rights in the asylum procedures and the sexualized violence, discrimination and isolation they are facing.

Central in our work are empowerment and peer-education through workshops and actions: together we fight against the laws which exclude us from the society.

In our daily work we permanently are facing challenges: the deportation policies are getting stricter, women are treated in inhuman ways, black-lash of vouchers for refugees …. however all the moving encounters and the huge (also financial) support which we received over all those years, are filling us with valour and energy.

Here you can support us with a one-time donation or on a regulary basis as a sustaining member.

We are very thankful for you and all your valuable contributions to our work!

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