Solidary greetings from Frauenverband Courage to the women of Women in Exile

Here, double standards are applied: the major one being the so-called “hygiene-demonstrations” permitted as in Stuttgart with 3 to 4000 people. These demonstrations pretend to demonstrate for fundamental rights, deny the dangerous nature of coronavirus and use legitimate concerns and criticisms of the government to right-wing to to give a platform to fascist forces.

In Stuttgart for example, one of the organizers, the former RBB journalist Ken Jebsen alias KenFM, representative of anti-semitic conspiracy theories and a professed Trump fan. At the aforementioned rallies, hundreds and thousands could roam around with no social distancing and no face-masks, and the police did not intervene, even allowing for unannounced or unauthorised actions.

Unthinkable at left-wing protests! Just like your solidarity action with the refugee women.

Against any criminalization of solidary, justified actions and demonstrations for the rights of refugees.

Frauenverband Courage e.V., Federal Executive Committee

Holsteiner Str. 28, 42107 Wuppertal

0202 – 49 69 749

We are united in the demand: Dissolution of the unreasonable camps for refugees!

Decentralized accommodation of all refugees under appropriate hygienic conditions!

Attention to the special protection of women and children!

Abolish all camps!

With solidarity greetings

Federal board of the women’s association Courage

Ulrike Held, Bernadette Beierle-Leidinger, Brigitte Ziegler

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