Stop Slavery in Libya! Stop war on migrants!

Monday 18th of december 2017 from 4.30 pm to 6.30 pm front of the EU commission in Berlin: Unter den Linden 78 near Brandenburger Tor

We strongly condemn the European Union policies on supporting African countries in stopping refugee and migrants to enter Europe. They support regimes which they perceive as corrupt and non governable, by providing finances and training program. This support result in deaths and slavery as is the evidence of the recent cases in Libya, Niger etc. A lot of money is being given and more promised to African leaders whose countries are used by refugee’s en-route to Europe. New treaties and more border controls by European Union have extended beyond their continent. Jobs are being created for European citizens while the Africans who are struggling to look for better opportunities elsewhere are hunted like animals and exposed to all sorts of abuses. Going back to history, this is not new; there are just new tactics of colonisation.

We say to all European activists:
Look beyond your borders, act to change these inhuman situations inside and outside Europe and not “only” when there is a public cry but before they start. Unite with refugee activists to fight racism and sexism.

We say to all African leaders partnering with the EU : ‘ You are writing down a history of being responsible for the deaths of millions of your nationals because of your greediness and power egotism.

We say to all people working in EU Institutions:

It is an illusion to think that you can solve the problems you create by sending money and turning a blind eye on what is happening. Instead, your policies are resulting in more Human Rights violations and death. Stop the war on migrants!

We say:

Freedom of movement, right to come, right to go, right to stay!

The complete call in English:

The complete call in German:

The complete call in Arabic:

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