Uproot Racism – Keeping Quiet is not an Option!

Some of us experience multiple racism, either because of our skin colour or being identified as refugee because of living in isolation or being in environments where we are not supposed to be seen. This is of course showing the layers covering racism and how it is coming from different players, it could be the police, from institutions which supposedly should be “helping” with our social welfare, jobs and so forth.  We are tired of complaining of some of these incidences or talking about them because for sure they are painful. Why so:  It does not make any sense when someone who does not know you or you are not connected to start pouring hate, abuse and sometimes violence against you. In two incidences where I had to face my perpetrators in court, because of abusive racist crimes against me, the first thing the presiding judge asked me was, if by any chance I knew the person or if I were related to them.

So, this is, one of the reasons why this does not make any sense even when looked from a legal perspective.  Racism is so deeply rooted that racist (micro-) aggressions come automatically and thus hinder humanity. If you or someone you know distributes or profits from such racist (micro-) aggressions: think and ask yourself what the color of your skin has to do with it.  We know, that – speaking with Audre Lorde – our “silence will not protect” us.

So, keeping silent regarding racism and sexism is not an option!     

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