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29.7 In Munich with FLIT solidarity Africa

On arrival in München at around 2pm, FLIT Solidarity Africa introduced us to the two day program and then we moved to Bellevue after eating. In Bellevue the FLIT Africa presented their work through dancing and talk, which ended up into an open discussion. Afterwards, we had dinner and went to the sleeping places organized by Alarm phone.

The following day most of us left for Erding for a press conference in front of the city court. At the end oft he press conference we made a short „stop deportation“ demonstration round the deportation prison and the city court, which are situated in the same compound.

In our press statement, it was important for us to highlight what we have experience in the last week and why Seehofer policies should be stopped. (here link our statement).

In the afternoon we went back to Bellevue in Munich where women were waiting take part in the workshop. There was an offer from the hosts to show the city tot he women who did not want to go to Erding or to participate in the workshop. Some women took the offer and were very excited to be able to have a guided tour.

The workshop was very successful because most women said they know there are possibilities of solving their short time problems but did not know or where or how to find these offers. The part of organizing collectively was very interesting because FLIT Solidarity Africa and Women in Exile, exchanged knowledge and tips. Both groups agreed there is need to work together and to have regular exchange empowerment programs.

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