On 14.09.2022, we did a follow-up visit to the family of A. from Syria, who has been
living in a Lager in Gusow-Platkow in Märkisch-Oderland, Brandenburg. We reported the
the situation of family A. to the Brandenburg Social Minister, Frau Nonnemacher and the
Integration commissioner of Brandenburg, Frau Lemmermeier, during our meeting as
members of the network of the Strategy Group on Housing.
We encourtered this family during our Lager visit in April 2022. Our follow-up visit was
delayed by the planning and execution of our «International Summer conference» in early
August. During this follow-up visit, we realised nothing has changed and actually the family
thought we had forgotten them.
In our last Newsletter nr. 25, we reported how this family is living in a miserable and difficult
conditions, in an old bungalow, with their three disabled family members in wheelchairs.
When it is raining, water drips in and some dangerous insects sometimes find their way
The pictures and short video attached to this report show how this family lives.
We aim and wish to see this family assisted not only in getting a barrier-free flat and
professional people to help the mother in the daily care of the disabled children but also in
getting their right to stay. This is just one case of many, showing, that we need
humanity and not a Bureaucracy of neglect.
Humanity instead of a Bureaucracy of neglect