Marching with our allies in Potsdam, on Saturday the 07.03.20. Celebrating International day for women with the motto „We fight together”.

The activities on this day were as diverse and corouful as the alliances. We read speeches, celebrated and honoured past women* hereoes who died through femicide or racism. We made our voices loud by shouting slogans, dancing and singing.
After the demonstration and the opening of our new space on the 08.3, we diceded to reflect personally on this years International Women’s day 2020 theme: „I AM GENERATIONAL EQUALITY: realizing women`s rights“.
Taking into account that feminism is diverse and we fight together, means looking and acknowledging each other because we have different fights and different experiences.
This is why, we asked some of the women* from our group; what fighting together on gender equality individually means to them:
„Fighting together on gender equality ….
….is fighting for the equal access with ease of ressources and opportunities regardless of one being male or female.“ (E.)
…is to empower women, with a focus on identifying and redressing power inbalances and giving women more autonomy to manage their own lives.“ (L.)
… means that our diversity is one of our strenghts and that we are united in our journey towards justice.“ (M.)
… means to fight for equality in all aspectects of life and against all forms of oppression and acknowledge how they are interconnected.“ ( Ch.)
… means fighting for more chances for women in all areas, creating space for women in the decision making table. It also means that women are able to explore and express their femininity without fear of sexual assault or constriction.“ (S.)
…is the struggle against the colonisation of our bodies, our minds, our people and territories. There can be no struggle for equality if there is no struggle against racism.“ (D.)
… is freeing our minds and knowing we can do what we love without fear of being dominated by any other gender, regardless of my gender.“ (C.)