During our “Summer Bus tour 2021” in north Deutschland, one of our stops was Bremen.
In Bremen, we met refugee women from “TogetherweareBremen, a group of refugee women
fighting for the right to Birth Certificates for their children. whom we got into contact with,
before the tour.
We held a peer-orientated empowerment workshop where we discussed together the
possibilities of claiming the rights to obtain birth certificates of our children born in this
country by challenging asylum laws and demanding our children’s rights.
We later participated in a podium discussion on health and maternal rights, which Medibüro, Bremen, organised. It was very sad to listen to women living in different parts of
Germany who have and were experiencing the same problems with discrimination of the
identity of their children and health rights. It shows how the asylum laws are discriminative
and racist.
Here is a video of the discussion that took place;
Health care for all without discrimination!