Flyer Summer action 2020

The corona pandemic might slow us but will not stop us from
activism. This is why, this year like every other year in summer we will
use a different way to protest while we keep the „social distancing“
rules in mind.

Our aim is to visit two deportation (Ankers) camps in Brandenburg,
invite the women and children to a picnic and a rally in front of the

This will be followed by a weekend of workshop, which unfortunately will be attended by just a few
women* in the group to reflect on how to continue our work despite

You are welcome to join our bus tour, we still have 30 seats
in the bus.

The tour is open to all gender.

Bring your masks and be ready to keep the „social distancing“ rules.

Time schedule:

15.07 – Doberlug-Kirchain: Bus will leave Oplatz at 10:45

22.7 – Wünsdorf: Bus will leave Oplatz at 10:45

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