Invitation to the “Testimonials from the uterus” film about health care for refugee women

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On Friday, 21 February 2020 at 7.30 pm our History Salon in the Beginenhof Erkelenzdamm 51/ common room – 10999 Berlin will be dealing with a current topic: “Testimonials from the uterus” Film about the health care for refugee women by and with Women in Exile and among others with Petra Bentz from the Feminist Women’s Health Centre e.V. in Berlin

In the film, three refugee women talk about their different experiences with their health problems and how the health system treats them as asylum seekers. Experts who support refugees also share their thoughts on what it means to be a non-citizen in order to gain access to the German health system. The film lasts about 30 minutes and is in German, or with German subtitles.

Women from the initiative of Women in Exile, which was founded in Brandenburg in 2002 to fight for their rights, will come to us from Potsdam, show the film, report on their work and be available for discussion (Moderation: Gisela Notz)

We are looking forward to your visit. The entrance is free; however, we ask for donations for the work of Women in Exile.

Best regards, Gisela Notz, Stephanie Odenwald

Door bell: Erkelenzdamm 51, common room

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