On Friday 9th August, Women in Exile gave a workshop at the Climate Camp Leipzig which took part from 03.-.12.08 from a refugee’s women perspective. We shared how we see climate changes as one of the flight reasons leading to migration.
The reasons vary from land- & water grabbing, the destruction and change of eco-systems. Labour and resources exploitation are also factors contributing to climate changes and affecting people’s lives leading to migration and flight.
This was followed up by discussions on concrete examples from cash crops e.g. the flower industry in Kenya which supplies 80% of the European market, tropical deforestation in African countries and the role of multinational companies.
On how to connect our fights, work together and be part of an international movement against climate injustice, we looked for answers to the question of what practical steps the climate movements should take into consideration in solidarity with the African countries.
Part of the call on the Leipzig Climate camp was that; “the fight for climate justice cannot be fought, without pushing back on racism and fascism. Therefore, the main focus of this year’s climate camp will be anti-racism and anti-fascism”.