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Thank you for supporting our Conference!

We want to thank everybody who contributed to the success of our national wide conference “Women* Breaking Borders” 22-24.09.17, and our conference kick of demonstration 21.09.17.

Without all of you, it would not have been possible to have this conference this way. On Saturday, we were around 300 participating women*, 40 children and at least 50 people doing all the background work. Wow! Concerning the organization and infrastructure, there is always something to improve, but no one thought that things would go that smoothly. Thanks!

There was simultaneous translation into and from 8 languages but of course many more were spoken by the participants. Thanks to bla collective, interprise and all the great interpreters! The refugee women came from München, Nürnberg, Halle/Saale, Magdeburg, Meiningen, Jena, Hannover, Osnabrück, Frankfurt/Main, Göttingen, Witzenhausen, Hamburg, Berlin- Brandenburg and Leipzig. 4 teams prepared wonderful food, the small tea kitchen team provided coffee, tea, breakfast and snacks, thanks also to all those who organized all those sleeping places and those who hosted the women and children in their private homes. The child care group and the nearby school where the children moved to on Saturday and Sunday and the people who were permanently at the info table.

Concerning the contents, all workshops were done well and the feedback of the women was overwhelming. The goals of the conference to strengthen the already existing network, to pass relevant information to refugee women and to show that refugee women (and friends) are very much capable of sending a strong message, were reached! Like we always say: “From personal problems to political demands and action!”

Unfortunately and as we did not really expect so many participants, the expenses of this conference are not yet fully covered. We got some support from Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Stiftung:do and Stiftung Umverteilen and some donations through our bank account plus the crowd funding platform better place. This enabled us only to meet most of the expenses of what we needed for the whole conference. Providing for all the needs of 400 people plus more than 40 children a whole weekend is not cheap. To enable to us meet the remaining part of our financial needs, please donate through our account:

account for donations:
Women in Exile e.V.
IBAN: DE21430609671152135400

or the crowd funding platform “

The whole conference empowered so many women* who realised that “no borders are high, low, wide or solid enough when women* unite”!

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