Judgement on the „paper airplane trial“

The verdict of the now popular „paper airplanes trial“ was finally delivered on 03.01.2020.

On these „paper airplanes“ we had written our usual demands like “no Lager”, because of the physical and sexual violation we are facing daily there and to „stop deportations“, which in most cases are violently carried out. https://www.women-in-exile.net/pm-neuer-termin-fuer-den-papierfliegerprozess/

From this judgement it is clear how the court is pretentious giving the fine to a women shelter to show solidarity to women while criminalising and taking rights of refugee women to assemble. This shows how the system is pitting us against the rest of the society. It is meant to distract and diminish refugee women´s issues by restricting our right of assembly.

It is ironical when a judge takes money from a supporter of one vunerable group and giving it to the other so as to seem to be supporting vunerable women in the society. These papers carried the messages of our usual demand and nothing more. This is very clear in various media reports such as:





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