Spider workshop

What you can do with the spiders

Last year were the 15 years of Women in Exile, 15 years building up a self-organization group fighting for refugee women’s rights and to empower them. To celebrate the anniversary WiE organized a Women* Breaking Border Conference. Between 300-400 women over all Germany attended, one of the biggest challenges was how to deal with the different languages, women were coming from many different countries and they needed to express themselves. Simultaneous interpretation to 8 languages was done thanks to Bla a collective that provides equipment and support for simultaneous interpretation in multilingual gatherings, they came with the knowledge and the infrastructure to make it possible and to Interprise!!! and the interpretors that supported us.

It was a success that the women could express themselves publicly in their own language. We kept in on mind.

This weekend we went a step forward and thanks to Bla collective we have learned how to build the technical devices needed for the simultaneous interpretation, the spiders!!!.

We believe that sharing knowledge is a way of empowering, so this time they came to Postdam to teach us how to build an open hardware device, designed by Coati . It has been a nice way to get introduced to electronics while building something needed in the group. The workshops was a success, we built 4 spiders that will be ready to be put into action on our next meeting, improving our skills and our way of working, yay!!

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