31.3. Protest in front of the Tunisian Embassy – Our Speech

[31.3.2017 Demonstration in front of the Tunisian Embassy, the Chancellor’s office and the German Parliament]

The European Union is making all sorts of pacts with friendly and unfriendly countries to stop refugees from entering European countries. It is a pity that African countries are partnering and becoming part and parcel of these pacts. African leaders are writing down a history of being responsible for the millions of their nationals’ deaths because of their greediness and power egotism.

Stop negotiating your dirty deals by jeopardizing human lives.

The Maghreb countries are very essential to the European countries if refugee have to be stopped from entering. Their cooperation is very important, if these racist treaties and agencies such as Valetta, Dublin or the Frontex have to be effective. That is why they are looking the other side as refugees drown in the Mediterranean or endanger their lives as they try to jump over the walls to reach Europe.

Why are you doing the European dirty jobs of blocking refugees to reach their destinations?!

European powers will continue using their divide and rule policies, watch people die when crossing deserts and seas and of course plead their innocence in the name of protecting their territories and cultures. What we are experiencing is a first degree of the modern day neo colonialism, racism and dictatorship from European countries. They are taking everything in one hand, our natural resources, land and brain draining our society in exchange of poverty and guns to kill ourselves. Women and children are the ones most affected by these policies, if we talk about climate issues, the big multinational companies, land grabbing, the list is endless. These are just but a few of the reason why we leave. The corrupt regimes in our countries supported by the same governments deporting us, life is becoming unbearable.

That is why we are here today to ask all the governments’ making pacts with Europeans to stop collaborating in stopping migration as they are part of this exodus. These regimes should reflect on why so many people are leaving, instead of helping the European governments to violently deport them “somewhere” in Africa.

We are talking of people who are traumatized from their journeys and lives. We are talking of people who gave their all, to pursue all types of safety for themselves and their families. We are talking of people who have lost everything because of man-made catastrophes. We are talking about human beings!

Stop collaborating with European countries to destroy our lives.

They see a wave of refugees and we see a wave on which the German Chancellor is surfing from one African country to another, wooing partners to help in building a fortress Europe. As the world focusses on condemning Trump’s rhetoric on his immigration policies, Tunisian, other African governments and the European governments are practically collaborating in same policies of deportation and building walls. Deportations are violent and a risk to the refugees lives. Deportations are the worst type of human trafficking and smuggling in Deutschland because refugees are seized in the middle of the night, handcuffed and escorted to airports and forced into airplanes. Yet some of these pacts, we are told, are to eliminate traffickers and smugglers. How long will we exchange our people’s dignity for corrupted grants?

We demand:

Stop issuing travel documents for deportation purpose to Tunisia or any other country.

Stop Deportation!!!

Right to come, Right to go and Right to stay!!!

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