Camp Moria is on fire! Abolish all camps!

For months, camp residents, activists and migrant organisations have been warning of a catastrophe in the camp in Moria. The warnings were ignored. The EU has preferred to sit back and try(!) to make the people into minor roles in its dirty theatre of deterrence. But they will never manage that! So last week the open-air prison went up in flames – without major injuries to people!An end with the camp system! Now the press is talking of “arsonists”. Have you ever wondered why people who have already risked their lives once are willing to risk their lives again?
Many are severely traumatised and suffer from depression because they had to go through hell for a better life. LGTB and women suffer additionally due to the lack of protection against sexual violence. Children are not allowed to live out their childhood. For several days they have been surviving completely homeless on the streets.

The arsonists? These are the EU’s desk criminals, that is Seehofer and co. For months, years, people have been living in the camp in Moria. A camp that is designed for 3,000 people, but almost 13,000 people are squeezed in. Accordingly, there are not enough medical supply stores, no hot water, electricity or internet. The people have to live under appallingly unhygienic conditions, in airy tents, no matter what the season. Endless queues to go to the toilet or shop.

They are not only isolated from the world, they feel at all levels that they are made second-class people. Since the pandemic, nothing has changed in Moria, no measures have been taken for the people, quite the contrary! In fact, it has been decided that almost 13,000 people are not allowed to leave this small, unhygienic place – an open-air prison!
How is the Greek government dealing with the current situation? Yes, they are building new tents (for another prison?!), but at the same time they are throwing tear gas into the crowd to prevent them from scattering too much. The press is being denied access to the city area so that the world doesn’t have to know any more.
There are people who would rather stay on the streets than go back to the newly built camp. They know that another prison will not change the situation.

And what is the EU’s response? They insist on terror. And they argue pro forma about which country should take in how many people. Instead of acting in accordance with human rights.
Germany currently holds the EU Council Presidency. The Federal Government, too, clearly does not want to act in a humane manner. Although most cities and municipalities in Germany want to admit several hundred people, the Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has told the press that they only want to admit a fraction of the almost 13,000 people.

It is our wish that all people will come out of this Moria nightmare, be housed in dignified conditions and not be sent to another camp in Europe. We know that a life in isolation worsens health. For people already severely traumatised, living in a camp is disastrous.
Especially LGTB, women and children need special protection and must finally live in humane conditions in order to avoid being repeatedly affected by sexual violence.

The camp system must be abolished – Europe-wide! We demand humane accommodation!
30,000 people have been on the streets in Germany so far against the deadly European migration policy. Let us become many more and put the EU under pressure until they meet our demands!
We demand the right to stay for all!
No camps for women and children. Abolish all camps!

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