Demo Justice for Rita

On 27.8. around 60 people attended the demo demanding Justice for Rita in front of the Brandenbrug Ministry of Interior in Potsdam.

Once again was asked the closure of all lagers, as they are prisons of which refugees are being victims, and death is one of the results, as it has been in the case of Rita.

After one minute of silence in her memory, speeches of the organization

supporting the demo were read, as is the case of Fluchtslingsrat Brandenburg, ISD, Solidarity Cities, Respect, as well as the open letter of the residents of the lager where Rita lived. Then the mic was left open to share the experiences around the fights against racism, discrimination and sexism.

We expect by the 25th November, that the lager of Hohenleipich as a first step to close all lagers, if not we will go there to demonstrate against violence against women.

NO more lagers for women and children!,

CLOSE all lagers!!

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