Wünsdorf: International Refugee Day 2018

On 20th june ,the international refugees day, women in exile and friends together with refugee emancipation decided not to be in the boardrooms discussing the matters concerning refugees but rather make a solidarity rally in-front of Wünsdorf camp in Brandenburg. Wünsdorf is part of the BAMF first receiving centre in Eissenhüttenstadt. We were joined by a few members from the community, who were kind enough to bring us cherries from their gardens because the day was very hot.

Being the first rally in this camp, the gates were closed and no visitors were allowed to get in to the camp. Workers gathered on the entrance, security officers and police were on the front. The security refused us entry into the lager and said that, visitors were not allowed in, on that day (22.6) from 10am to 5pm. When we asked why, they said it was “an order from the government”. When we asked which government, they said from BAMF in Eissenhüttenstadt. This scared the refugees from getting out to join the rally but made them hide behind closed doors in fear of deportation. This camp is famous for police using brutal measures to enforce deportations which occur mostly in the middle of the night. The few who joined the demonstration told us how the rest were scared because they thought the police were there to carry out deportations.

Nevertheless, some of them were bold enough and came out to join us and even expressed “loud and clear” the daily grievances which they face in the camp. They condemned the prolonged stay in the camp without transfers because some of them have been living there for more than 10 months and the daily brutal deportations. They expressed frustrations for living a life with no perspective, which sees a day without deportation as lucky one.

Isolation being one of the big problem, refugees who came out said they felt human to see that, there are people outside in solidarity, who knows and understand the poor condition they live in this lager and the day to day fear of deportation. For women and children in this lager, they are suffering more because the children has no permission to go to school, those with small children have no clothes and carriages for the babies.

We condemned this conscious violation of human rights and we will continue to fight for the closure of all lagers especially for women and children who are always the the double victims of the problems governing refugees.
We say it loud and clear, that no human is illegal and Deportation is murder. Dublin laws are racist and a German and European leaders making conscious decisions of killing refugees in the deserts and on seas. It enables European companies to make profits with human as commodities.
Open the boarders and No lager for women and children, Abolish all lagers.

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