20.6.2018 International Refugee day! NO Lager for Women and children! Close all Lagers!!

We join the refugee living in Wünsdorf, refugee initiatives and all those working with refugee issues to say “loud and clear” that UN charters should not only be decorative words, but agreement to be respected and put in practice.

Most of the refugees in the Wünsdorf camp, which is an extension of BAMF, first receiving centre Eissenhüttenstadt are living in this camp for more than one year. This is in the contraversion of the law, which state that refugees should not live in these centres for more than six months. Children have no possibility of going to school or kindergarten, so they are living in the camp with no perspective just like the adults.

“June 20 is the day the world commemorates the strength, courage, and perseverance of millions of refugees. Held every year, World Refugee Day also marks a key moment for the public to show support for families forced to flee. In September 2016, global leaders agreed to work towards a Global Compact for refugees in 2018 where all parts of society stand together and do their fair share” (#WithRefugees).

In Germany we are experiencing the opposite of this planned global leader’s agreement. The interior and home minister is building, “Ankers” and doing all in his power to see that as many of us as possible are deported. In fact his ambitions and that of his parties are about to destroy the currently formed coalition German government and to give the right populism legitimacy. He is so obsessed in making refugees life’s miserable, so that they either leave voluntarily or police use force to deport them.

Mr Seehofer there are other problems being experienced in this society, which you could concentrate on without being so obsessed with the refugee issues eg., racism, climate issues etcetera.  Seehofer has been pushing for radical refugee policies for a long time and is pushing the whole country to accept his inhuman policies. From his Bavaria backyard and of course in other places eg.Wünsdorf, we have been experiencing results of brutal police deportations in the middle of the night. Most recently was a case of a heavily pregnant woman being forced violently into deportation but by good luck managed to stop her own deportation (https://www.fluechtlingsrat-bayern.de/pressebericht/items/abschiebung-einer-schwangeren-vorerst-gescheitert.html). The other case is of a woman who because of her living conditions developed depression and psychological problems which ended in killing herself and her child. https://www.women-in-exile.net/todliches-asyl-lager-system/.

Many refugees are in exile to escape the effects of human-made disasters. Disasters which are manmade and could not escalate without the active participation of the so called “developed countries”. Seehofer like Trump, have no time for such topics because his aim is to create markets to sell German products such as guns, dump sub-standard products and for the multinational industries to own cheap tracts of land and cheap labour.

Today in Wünsdorf Women in Exile and Friends; say it” loud and clear”!
 No lager for women and children! Abolish all lagers!  Right to come! Right to go! Right to Stay!

A sit-in will take place in front of the Lager in   Wünsdorf/Zossen, Hauptallee 116  on 20.6.2018 at 14h

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