Open letter from women with children living in the lager in Hennigsdorf

Together with Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg (refugee counsel brandenburg) and Antidiskriminierungsberatung Brandenburg der Opferperspektive (councelling for anti-discrimination) we support the attached open letter from the women who are accomodated in Stolpe-Süd/ Hennigsdorf applying their demands to the responsible persons in

the ministery for work, social, health, women and family of Brandenburg
the city of Henningsdorf
the district (Landkreis) Oberhavel
the ministery for education, youth and sports Brandenburg
the housing agents in Henningsdorf

To whom it may concern

Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg (refugee counsel brandenburg) and Antidiskriminierungsberatung Brandenburg der Opferperspektive (councelling for anti-discrimination) and Women in Exile are supporting the attached open letter from the women who are accomodated in Stolpe-Süd/ Hennigsdorf applying their demands to the responsible persons.

For a long time we have supported the women living in Hennigsdorf in different fights eg. fights against vouchers, deportation and a right for women and children to be housed in decent housing outside the lager and closure of the closure of lagers everywhere.

We are supporting the demands of the women for an accomodation in flats.
Their discription shows: Living in isolation and in conditions described in the attached letter are sources of stress, mental sickness and desperation. That is why asylum seekers are taking desperate measures such as suicide. This is discriminating and isolating them.

We demand the responsible persons to take care that:

– rights for childrens protection are secured
– a discrimination free access to flats is guaranteed
– the access to protection by police is available for all human beings
– the dignity of refugees is respected

Mass accomodations are not accomodating people in dignity and endanger the wellbeing of the child.

Yours sincerely,

Women in Exile Antidiskriminierungsberatung Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg

Elizabeth Ngari Ingmar Pech Ivana Domazet

Contact: Joanna Nelles from Women in Exile Tel. 0152–10291003

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