Göttingen Demo 12.05 “Abolish Lagers Everywhere”

On the 12.05 during the We`llcome United Conference in Göttingen, Women in Exile and Friends joined other activists to demonstrate against the refugee lagers and high housing costs.
In Göttingen city, empty buildings belonging to the city council are being sold to private investors which is making the rental costs to rise in the city. A few weeks ago one of these houses was occupied by left wing activists that are fighting for better accommodation for refugees and especially the closure of the Lager Siekhöhe .

Women in Exile and Friends visited this lager during our “ 2016 Bus Tour” and demanded that Women and Children should be accommodated in flats and the lager should be closed .
The Göttingen City council is making endless promises that the lager will be closed but instead of accommodating the refugees in their empty buildings they are selling them to private investors who often renovate which is making the rental costs to sky rocket and making it a concern for the tenants. This is the reason that this demonstration was in solidarity not only for refugees but also for the tenants.

Women in Exile and Friends made a short but clear request to the city authorities:
“No Lager for women and children”!
Close Seekiel!
Abolish all lagers! and
Affordable housing for all!

Freedom of movement:
Right to come, Right to go, Right to stay!

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