Kundgebung: – Zukunft für Alle – Kein Platz für Rassismus an der Charité

On the 15.05.2018, we will join the alliance against racism

It is shocking to learn that Christoph B. is an elected council member of this great institution (Charitè). It is shocking because we know him as the director of Zukunft Heimat (Future Homeland), an organization which is making regular racist demonstrations in Cottbus.

We are here to let him know that he and his followers can destroy “a bus but not a movement”.

During our demonstration “Women* against racism and injustice in Cottbus in March, Christoph B. showed up as an uninvited guest. Little did we know what would happen to the bus which had transported us to Cottbus after leaving it behind because of technical problems? The bus was completely damaged and the reparation cost was very high.

Our demonstration was focused on racist and sexist violence against women; it is very clear from the regular Zukunft Hemait/AfD demonstrations purportedly fighting for women rights and their policies with their motto “freedom of women is not negotiable” means that white women are victims who need to be saved from the danger coming from outside “especially from the refugee communities”. Other women who do not fit in the concept of their populism ideology or pretence of fighting for women’s rights are treated to extremely racist and antifeminist stereotype. Feminism demands the abolition of injustice thus the same rights and freedom for all people, regardless of their origins.

We as asylum seeking women arrive and think we are safe to start a new life in this country. The reality of being accommodated in isolated camps, lack of perspectives and racist hostility from the likes of Christoph B. and Afd policies determine our living conditions. We live in constant anxiety for deportation to our countries of origin, the countries we passed through and with fear of being deported within the EU member states. We struggle every day with the fear of racists and physical assaults in the streets, because of our skin colour, religion, origin and/or gender. Every Day all of us have to struggle with all these kinds of fear and anxiety.

We are here to condemn Christoph B., the “Zukunft Heimat”, the AfD and all other racists, nationalists and refugee hating groups!

Christoph B. should not hold any public office especially one which is associated with saving people lives.

We demand for his immediate resignation!

SPEAK OUT against racism, oppression, right and racist violence!

Right to go, right to come and right to stay!

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