Oury Jalloh – it was murder!

It is been 13 years since Oury Jalloh, a young man from Sierra Leone, who came to German seeking for asylum, died in police custody from unexplained circumstances. All evidence leads to a brutal murder in the hands of the German police in the city of Dessau.

To commemorate the 13 anniversary of the death of Oury Jalloh on the 7th of January this year, “Women in Exile and Friends” decided to mobilise for the annual demo and instead of attending individually as the case had been in the previous years. The demo which had more than 5,000 participants was demanding for justice to be executed to the murderers of Oury Jalloh. That the case should not be closed until justice is seen to have been done.

The State Council, Heike Geyer from Halle announced in her press release of 12 October 2017, that she had after careful examination of the available evidence […] “closed the investigation of the death of Oury Jalloh” because allegedly there is not sufficient evidence and new knowledge to his death was not to be expected, since “a multitude of possibilities are conceivable” and consequently a suicide cannot be ruled out.

This is not the first time, that German police committed unexplained murders and brutality to African refugees and migrants. There has been shooting of defenceless women such as Mariam Sarr and Christy Schwundeck, who in actual facts were spouses of German nationals. Mariam Sarr was shot in her apartment after her estranged husband called the police after a domestic quarrel. Christy Schwundeck was shot outside a labour office in Frankfurt am Main after an argument with the labour officers. Did these two women deserve to die in the hands of the police who in actual fact have a duty to protect them regardless of their skin colour or origin? In these cases and many more of refugees and migrants who died in the hand of the police officers, justice was denied them because the courts did not find the police officers who killed them guilty.

Oury Jalloh was murdered and the initiative in remembrance of Oury Jalloh has repeated this many times to a system in denial. We do not need rocket science to proof that a chained Oury Jalloh could not have lit a fire-proof mattress to burn and kill himself.

The cases mentioned above are not isolated, the NSU murders took place for over a period of 10 years while the state, refused to investigate the involvement of the state security services. These cases are not exceptional, there have been murders and hate crimes from the neo-nazis which are not handled as they should be. With the populist political climate in the country these cases are rising every day. The perpetrators of these crimes should be prosecuted and the law executed to the highest level.

We demand justice for all racist killings whether it is from the police or neo-nazis!


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