Speech from Women in Exile in front of the libyian embassy on the 25th of november in Berlin

The European policy on refugees crossing mandate has now been extended to African countries and leaders. This is as a result of a lot of money being given and more promised to African leaders whose countries are used by refugee’s en-route to Europe. The aim is to do all what is in their power to stop refugees and migrants entering Europe. This cooperation is making it very tough for those who want to migrate.

The worst of this cooperation is between Libya and the EU, where scores of refugees are being accommodated in inhuman conditions. The majority of who are being hunted, caught, enslaved and sold as slaves. This happens to those hunted on land and those being driven back from the sea by agencies working for the EU after paying hefty bribes to the smugglers.

The Maghreb countries are very essential to the European countries if refugee have to be stopped to enter Europe. Their cooperation is very important, if the racist treaties and agencies such as Valetta, Dublin or the Frontex have to be effective. This is why they spend a lot of money on African states which are ready to cooperate with their policies, though they are aware these cooperation’s are used to abuse human rights which they condemn from others.

The EU policy of helping Libyan authorities intercept people trying to cross the Mediterranean and return them to prisons is a crime,

Women and children are the ones most affected by these policies, as we have seen in the recent reports from Libya. Women and children are not only being auctioned as slaves but being raped, physically and sexually violated. Reports from women talking about their ordeals, makes one wonder, why the international community looks away when human rights are abused, until there is a public outcry. Then we start seeing them pretending that they not only sympathize with the situation but are ready to move mountains to contain the situation. This, they will of course, do only to their advantage. These are just tactics to make them look good and human, but we should not forget that they start these acts, manipulate them and the curtain closes when their ready.

We cannot be a silent witness to modern-day slavery, rape and other sexual violence, and unlawful killings, in the name of managing migration and preventing desperate and traumatised people from reaching Europe’s shores,”

How long will they exchange human dignity for monetary values, while the Europeans achieve their goals? Goals achieved on one hand, through modern day colonialism, and on the other hand, through racism and sexual discrimination.

Stop colonialism! Stop Racism! Stop Deportations!

It is a pity that African countries are partnering and becoming like so often historically part and parcel of these pacts. African leaders are writing down again a history of being responsible for the millions of their nationals’ deaths because of their greediness and power egotism.

Today is a good day to connect our struggles and to say it loud and Clear!!!

No Deportations!!

No one is illegal!!

Freedom of movement, freedom of residence

Right to come, Right to go, Right to stay!!

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