25.11.2019 Bus Tour „Justice for Rita, abolish all lagers“

On Monday 25.11 we went on a Bus Tour to Brandenburg, to ask for justice for Rita and abolish all lagers.

We started at Oranienplatz, where the solibus was waiting us. The bus was full and we had extra cars, so around 65 people started the ride at 11h towards Herzberg our first stop.

After 2h ride, we stopped in front of the Auslanderbehörde where we held the following speech, to create awareness on Rita’s unclear death, the situation of women in lagers, institucional racism, sexism and discrimination.

After there was an open mic, where the different participants in the demo shared the thoughts on the day against violence against women

We continued our Tour to the Socialamt in Herzberg

Once finished in Herzberg, we continued our tour to Hohenleipisch, the lager where Rita lived for 7 years and where her body was found 6 months ago, and since then the police has not solved the case, not given any information to the family and groups asking for it.

The end of our Bus Tour was in Postdam, where the feminist group Fame* organised a demo and invited us to join, so even if we arrived a bit late, we where happy to join them and unite our voices.

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