2,000 women asylum seekers and their children in Israel demonstrated for refugee rights

respect human rights2,000 women asylum seekers and their children in Israel marched in Tel Aviv to the UNHCR offices in Israel and the USA embassy demonstrating for refugee rights.

Despite the refugees protests in Israel, the government decided to send another 1,000 asylum seekers in jail, Netanyahu called them in the Knesset „infiltrators“ Every year the Israeli government approves quotas for tens of thousands of foreign workers from Thailand and China usually, to work in agriculture and construction, while approximately 50 thousand asylum seekers do not undergo an examination of their refugee status, last week the Interior Minister of Israel, Mr. Gideon Sa’ar, was proud that Sweden has agreed to receive some 50 refugees from Israel, a few days later it turned out that these women with their children, some of whom were kidnapped in Sinai, and tortured, and not not received so good treatment for their delicate state, some even imprisoned in Israel.
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