We stay United – Antiracist Protest against the AfD

The text below was read during the press conference calling to the demo „Stoppt den Hass!! Stoppt  die AfD“ that will take place next Sunday 27.5.2018:

On Saturday the 27.05, Women in Exile and Friends, together with 100 other groups and initiatives are on the streets, on the water, in the air and everywhere to protest against the AfD and their racist propaganda and hatred against refugees.

We as asylum seeking women arrive and think we are safe to start a new life in this country. The reality of being accommodated in isolated camps, lack of perspectives and racist hostility from racist parties such as Afd policies determine our living conditions.

We live in constant anxiety for deportation to our countries of origin, the countries we passed through and with fear of being deported within the EU member states. We struggle every day with the fear of racists and physical assaults in the streets, because of our skin colour, religion, origin and/or gender. Every Day all of us have to struggle with all these kinds of fear and anxiety.

We are not only demonstrating against the AfD but also on the racism spread by media and carried out by the politics. Currently the Anker-centers, this role model of detention camps, planned by Seehofer is going hand in hand with the AfD ideas of excluding refugees from this society.

This lager system is a profit making business as usual; it benefits the capitalist system by using colonial methods to intimidate people. Recently AfD has started pretending to be fighting for women rights. With mottos like “freedom of women is not negotiable” they have been marching in Berlin and other German cities selling their propaganda.

Which women do they mean? Ain`t I A Woman?

We condemn the AfD and all other racists, nationalists and refugee hating groups!

WE SPEAK OUT against racism, oppression, right and racist violence!

Right to go, right to come and right to stay!

As always we say it loud and clear:

Speak up against racism, right and racist violence!

For a society without racism and exclusion.

Right to come!
Right to go!
Right to stay!

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